In ancient Greece, music and geometry were intimately connected. The Greeks claimed that melodies possessed an order and beauty bound to certain proportions, which were not at all random: music was ‘geometry made audible’. According…
QUARTZ Our classic bowls are made of 99.99% pure quartz crystal. Quartz is a natural enhancer and a transmuter of dense energy towards more subtle frequencies. That’s why the sound of quartz bowls is so…
Work with frequency includes VOLUME, DURATION, NOTES and INTERVALS. THE VOLUME The most “difficult” with the quartz bowls is usually to maintain a soft volume, not too high, which in addition to being beautiful and…
We must always remember that “sound is a carrier wave of consciousness, depending on where the consciousness of the individual is located when it creates a sound, it will carry information from that state to…
The power of sound becomes especially present in the work with quartz bowls. The depth and intensity of the vibration produced by quartz and other minerals make the principle of resonance act very powerful, much…
The use of the crystal of quartz has started to diffuse in a significant way in tutto il mondo. In a moment of mysticism and science, I am at the hand of quantistic physics, which…
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