Our classic bowls are made of 99.99% pure quartz crystal. Quartz is a natural enhancer and a transmuter of dense energy towards more subtle frequencies. That’s why the sound of quartz bowls is so intense and deep. All the bowls help to relax us, cleanse our energy and calm the mind, but also each one of them will have an especially important effect in the physical area and the chakra that works the note of the bowl.



By adding another mineral, metal or gem to the quartz we get what are known as alchemical bowls.

The alchemical bowls can be made of amethyst, rose quartz, gold, platinum, moldavite, emerald, ruby, diamond, smoky quartz, and iron among other materials.

The alchemical bowls generate a new quality and quality of sound, a higher frequency than the classic bowls and a union between our physical body and the more subtle energetic bodies of which we are usually not aware.

3 fundamental energies work:

  • The one of the mineral (probably the strongest of the 3): Each material incorporates its own sound and therapeutic qualities. The same color of the alchemical bowls indicates the basic energy that each one works, although each mineral also has more qualities that it is important to know.
  • The one of the fundamental note of the bowl (centered in a concrete chakra as in the classic bowls)
  • The one of the harmonic, that is clearly perceived when giving the “bell” to the bowl and are sounds so acute that they touch zones outside the body linked to the spiritual connection and the subtle bodies.
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